Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Make-up Done Right!

       Have you every wondered why your eye make-up looks oily and runny by the end of the day? Well the big question is whether or not you began your routine with a Lid Primer or not! New studies are coming out with the benefits of a great Lid Primer

         According to the makeup experts we talked to, if you don't prime before applying eye makeup you're committing a serious makeup crime. If you've been putting the horse before the cart with your morning makeup routine and aren't convinced that you need (or have time for) this crucial step, maybe this will do it: Experts say that the No. 1 way to prevent makeup from melting and smudging is to prime. (Think about it this way -- taking an extra 10 seconds in the morning to apply eye primer is quicker than spending five minutes wiping eyeliner off your lower lids in the afternoon.) 

We love the Glo Minerals Lid Primer: Apply a small amount of glominerals lid primer before eye shadow application. This product will prevent oil from interfering with your shadow application, allowing for more vibrant eye shadow color and longer lasting eye makeup.

Call our office any time to set up a complimentary foundation match and lid primer lesson! We can teach how to get eye popping color from a mineral make-up line! 316--630-0400

Fruits and Veggies Make Happy Skin

Are you getting the proper in-take of Fruits and Veggies?? Most of us are not, but did you know that besides rich anti-oxidant benefits for your insides, Fruits and Veggies also improve your skin on the outside!!

The following is an article I found from American Spa Magazine. Very interesting!!

As we have heard time and time again, to stay healthy eat your fruit and veggies! But what about eating fruit and veggies to improve the appearance of your skin? 
Fruits and vegetables in their raw form will give you a plethora of nutrients, but two recent human clinical studies have shown the benefits of fruit and vegetable intake and their affect on the appearance of the skin! 
In a 12-week double blind study published in January’s Skin Pharmacology & Physiology showed that supplementing with a fruit and vegetable concentrate (Juice Plus,) improved skin hydration, thickness and microcirculation in 26 healthy middle-aged women. After clinical assessment, skin microcirculation improved by close to 40 percent! 
Following in these footsteps comes another small study published in PLOS One this month concluding that eating carotenoid rich fruits and vegetables improved skin tone and appearance over 6 weeks.  The researchers believe the relationship between fruit and vegetable intake and skin tone are strongly influenced by carotenoids, particularly lycopene that affected skin tone and polyphenols that support microcirculation and elasticity. 
The Huffington Post commented on this recent study with experts stating that the skin is very forgiving and if you don’t get your fruits and vegetables everyday that is okay. Really? That leaves some food for thought……
Yours in Health & Beauty,
Paula Simpson
American Spa Magazine